Descendants of Gabriel Lewin

Welcome to our Lewin descendants web site! Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. I hope you will benefit from the information I present here, and contribute pictures, more information (and correct my mistakes).
This website is very preliminary and will evolve as I have more time and more items to present.
Please contact me at (remove the "#" sign from the email address).

Table of Contents

bullet  Descendants of Gabriel Lewin
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names
bullet  Hartwig Lewin's memories of his grandfather Gabriel Lewin
bullet  Fameliy Tree Chart    (If you can not read the file, please download Adobe Reader)
bullet  Family Tree Chart with Pictures    (PDF file) . Large file - allow a few minutes to download

Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List

This Web Site was Created 29 Sep 2004 with Legacy 5.0 from Millennia